Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How can i fix this weird idle speed in my car?

At any stop my car sits at an idleing speed on 2k rpm for like 5 seconds then goes down to 1k rpm. any ideas on how to fix it.

PS. i just had the starter changed like 3 days ago.How can i fix this weird idle speed in my car?
idle speed controle valve is sticking...remove and clean it...How can i fix this weird idle speed in my car?
Have you seen a %26quot;Check Engine%26quot; light? My guess is that its something to do with the emissions system- possibly the oxygen sensor. The car's computer is trying to compensate for what it thinks is an out-of-ratio fuel/air mixture and does that by increasing the idle.How can i fix this weird idle speed in my car?
The weird idle, that you are now, having, is most likely, due, to either the I.A.C.V (Idle Air Control Valve) sensor/relay, or, the T.P.S ( Throttle Position Sensor). This is, applies, if your car, is fuel injected. If your car, has a carberater, then, it could be the carb, in general, needing, a tune up. One tip, for you... Leave the can of carb cleaner, at the store. It does nothing, but waste your money. If you have a carb, the idle, may need to be adjusted. Now, some carbs, have plugs, in front of the idle screws, so a person, cannot get at them, however, you can remove the carb, from the engine, and, with a small hammer, and, punch, you can remove these plugs, to gain access, to the idle screws. It, depends, on what kind of carb it is, and, the year of the vehicle. But, if it is fuel injected, it more than likely, either, the Idle Air Control Valve, or the Throttle Position Sensor. Ther may be a remote possibility, that your fuel pump, may be playing a role, in this, as well. As maybe, the fuel pressure regulator, or, even maybe, your fuel filter. A through check of the fuel system, should find your problem. If you have fuel injection, check the electric fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator, and, fuel filter. Also, while you are at it, make a through check, of all the relays, and sensors, cause, if one of these are getting bad, they can cause more trouble, than ever. These will cause other items, to act incorrectly, as well.

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